Pomegranate Bacchus

Part-time mercenary, part-time escort, full-time troublemaker.

Pomegranate Bacchus

Adopted as a young child by an Ul'dahn merchant, Pomegranate quickly became acquainted with the city's underworld. He now lives and thrives within it, claiming it for his own.


-Age: 26
-Gender: Male (He/Him)
-Sexuality: Bisexual
-Height: 170cm
-Jobs: Reaper
Nicknames: Pom/my, Pompom, Demon, BeastLikes: Fighting, weapons, alcohol, fashion, gambling, sweets
Dislikes: Politics, duty, superstition, crying, the sun, low rollers
Pomegranate primarily resides in Ul'dah, though he occasionally travels for both work and pleasure. He largely disregards his inherited last name, and calling him by his full name is a quick way to displease him. He received a large inheritance after his adoptive parent's mysterious death, which he uses mostly to indulge his expensive tastes as he likes while prioritizing only work that interests him. His family's business was completely decimated along with his parent, which is just as well considering it allows him to forge his own path.He takes great pride in his eccentricities, including an inclination towards violence~~ and an intense desire to consume human flesh~~.His horns and armored claws are also proof of Voidsent corruption. He doesn't really like discussing either of these matters.While Pomegranate generally makes a point not to discriminate against his clients or opponents, he's unable to stand violence against defenseless women or children. He won't accept jobs involving it, and makes a note of anyone who preys on those who can't fight for themselves to make special visits to later.He's a man who prefers to live as if he has no past, avoiding any discussion of it whenever possible. He also rationalizes the craving for violence he acquired as a young man by targeting those he believes should face not justice, but oblivion.


Pomegranate has a volatile relationship with the voidsent making its home in his body. For the most part, they get along fairly well as long as he continues to sate its appetite for carnage, but still, he faces a long and steady corruption of both his body and soul. His voidsent companion thrives when feeding on blood, so the more blood it's given, the more power Pomegranate can draw from. If he wants to use its powers before he's able to spill anyone else's blood, he has to sate it using his own. Mainly, he is able to bend blood into shapes that suit his purposes, like sharp claws to use as weapons or shields to deflect damage.He has some few void magics he's able to use on instinct from their longstanding pact, namely being able to slightly enhance his existing physical abilites. (Jumping slightly higher, moving slightly faster, hitting slightly harder, as examples.) He doesn't really have too much of an actual affinity for magic, and the more he thinks, the harder it is for him to harness it.TL;DR Pomegranate is at his most dangerous when acting on instinct, freely wreaking havoc. He falters often in situations that call for a high amount of discretion or require sticking to a heavily predetermined plan.(i'll have more information on his voidsent later as i develop it)

Pomegranate Bacchus

A demon who lurks in the shadows of Ul'dah.

-Are you Ul'dahn? Perhaps you've heard tell of a shady old merchant family that disappeared entirely overnight, and the mysterious adopted son that resurfaced weeks later to claim his inheritance with a few interesting changes to his appearance.-Those with ties to mercenaries or assassins, especially in Ul'dah, may have heard of a strange and particularly fickle Viera who wields a scythe. Though it seems he always accepts jobs that involve aiding victims of trafficking, or granting oblivion to traffickers.-If you frequent clubs or brothels, it's also entirely possible you've noticed him at one, whether as a client or an entertainer. He's almost always in the mood for a chat to pass the time, so don't be afraid to approach him on these terms!-As a Viera with horns, he tends to draw attention from those with an eye for detail. He doesn't do much to hide them, but neither does he seem eager to talk about them. The astute would recognize his connection to the Void; does this frighten them or draw them in?

Pomegranate Bacchus


faust (she/her or he/him)
i'm just a little guy
i can be quite shy and forgetful at times so please be patient with me, i'm doing my best!
open to wu/t, m&erp, but ooc tells and plotting appreciated
(if my rp tag isn't on, i'm not rping)
enkh tuya is my epic spouse
i'm a manager at the cabaret grand on fridays
i work at the honeybee inn on sundays and the executive lounge every other thursday
check out my spotify playlist for pomegranate